07508 516 112
Mental Strength Training
At Old Gore Farm
The brain is our mental muscle, everyone can learn skills to develop mental strength for better performance and well-being at work and in our home life. When we are strong of mind, for example we are feeling optimistic and resilient, we can make decisions, manage change and prevent stress or burn-out.
You may be stuck or anxious, trying to think through what to do next in your career or relationship, you may be about to move home or switch jobs but dread the thought of change, you may feel overwhelmed and unable to perform to your best ability but can't find a way through and your health is suffering.
By listening, checking in and challenging, and sharing mental strength development techniques, Sarah can help you through such times, to understand your thought processes and behaviours, to develop your potential and become mentally stronger – and unstuck.
A qualified psychologist and coach with several years' experience in the corporate world, Sarah offers one-to-one sessions, each one hour duration and costing £45, at Old Gore Farm – one of the benefits of being in a different environment, particularly surrounded by nature, is that it stimulates different thinking and associations.
You are welcome to ask any questions or seek further information by booking in a complementary 10 minute call with Sarah below. Please email us with a selection of suitable times and dates to ring you...